Thursday, November 8, 2007


hi everyone,
new to this forum but still it seems very familiar, seems like my own place to thank all of them who have always been there and me like a fool, was never able to tell them how much they meant to me some left and some who are still very much there with me, i honestly would never want to part with them but tomorrow is where i have no control over but sincerely wished i had that.
This blog goes to my not very old friend, who has been so very understanding that i earnestly wish to have an eternal bonding with that person, never loose and awlays have the ever satisfying company, but its life mate and you never know whats in store especially when it comes to my life which has been a roller coaster ride where it was a steady run till the time i left school, there after there has been equal number of highs and lows, the latter been more piercing and have left some scars which i had honestly tried not to part with as it keeps reminding me the cruel lessons of life. Till off late when i met this friend of mine whose way of life has inspired me till such an extent that sometimes i have envied the style of thinking and somewhere wanted to have that kind of attitude in life, after so many challenges in life my friend has come out thanking everyone who had given the troubles and never shyed from giving a helping hand to others and the greatest example who could say this all is no one other than me, what i want to tell everybody out here is not that person's name but the way of living which can inspire others in all odds of life give others the happiness of being there, of taking on the troubles of others without a second thought and doing the best you can. Though i in my life have not being of much or maybe any help to my friend i wish to convey this to my friend that i shall sincerely regret the day when that person is not there in my life, and i also will never be able to stop my friend when the decision comes from the other side to leave ............
Anyways life is like that and especially mine where people dread to enter but those who are there have never regretted of being there.......
For all those who have known me well and have shared similar thoughts with me its you and you alone... thanks for your help and support...
Cheers to life and the spirit of life. Hope GOD gives everyone a friend like my friend and of course me as a friend to my friend.. confused.. anyways... HAPPY LIVING.... HAPPY FRIENDSHIPS...

PS: Do post a comment to this post it shall be helpful to me not to tell my friend how many posts has this got but to make me improve as i have always tried to and my friend earnestly would have wanted that i do....


pallavi said...

your friend would like you to be the way you are...even any improvements in you would mean a change in the person with whom your friend has bonded so well...i dont want to express myself in so many words but i hope you understand what i the way you are because your friend has admired you and liked you the way you are n not the way he/she wants you to be....
btw congrats n welcome in this world of confused keep writing...

pallavi said...

the cliche is : i have other reasons to comment also and i m not posting a comment just for the reason mentioned in 'P.S'...

as always ununderstandable said...

thanks sweety for a lovely comment.. well change is the spice of life and change everyone has to.. the reason may be your friend the only thing is you should feel satisfied in the change and feel rejuviniated after that...
you are most welcome for other comments also.

Unknown said...

oh m so jealous!! kon hai yeh frnd?

as always ununderstandable said...
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